Category God

The outpouring of the Holy Spirit

The outpouring of the Holy Spirit
“Early and Latter Rain” represents the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. While the Holy Spirit has been present for thousands of years, the early rain and latter rain are distinct periods.

The Christian life

The Christian Life
The perfect Christian does not exist. You will not find a perfect Christian. Even though Jesus Christ lived a perfect life, He was not a Christian; He was God in person. If you don't feel like you can live up to the characteristics of a Christian, in a way you are right. None of us are 100% true Christians.

Signs of the Times

Signs of the Times
Are we really near the end of this world considering people have been saying it for thousands of years? Here are signs of the times and evidence Jesus Christ is coming back soon.

A sign from God?

A sign from God?

If God isn’t already giving people enough evidence as to what is happening globally, is this story not another sign from God?  A Bible stuck to a fence post and out of all 66 books, the book of Revelation was…

Conflict in Israel

Conflict in Israel
What is the conflict in Israel telling the whole world? What's happening in Israel, among many other signs, is confirmation that we are headed straight toward the 7-year Tribulation. Based upon what is taking place, it seems that things will accelerate from here on out...

What happens next?

What happens next? Are we going to see a mass exodus of Christians from the cities into the wilderness?

God is the perfect definition of good

God is the perfect definition of good
Let me first begin by saying--if it isn't already obvious enough--that trying to describe God's goodness using words is not sufficient. Even if we add in the beauties around us, our experiences, our feelings of great joy at times, and so on, we still cannot even come close to describing how great God is...

Is the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church true?

Is the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church true?
Can an all-powerful God make people suddenly vanish? If He made everything around--and including--us out of nothing, then why does it seem impossible? I mean, He knows about every single hair on the heads of over eight billion people. The fact is it's absolutely nothing for God to Rapture people and it will happen according to the inerrant God-breathed Bible that is totally accurate just based upon the prophecies that have already been fulfilled, among other reasons.

Will only the Church of Philadelphia be Raptured?

Church of Philadelphia
The Rapture of the Church will take place. While the timing has always been a controversial topic, the question on who will be Raptured has not been as addressed. Will the entire church get Raptured? Is the Church of Philadelphia the only church that will be Raptured? Find out my take on what the Church of Philadelphia within the context of Revelation really means...