

The supposed founder of Islam, Prophet Muhammad, was born in Mecca during, or around, AD 570. His dad died before he was born, and his mother died when he was six years old. He was raised by his paternal grandfather. As he grew up, he became a camel driver then a merchant, and at the age of 26 he married a wealthy caravan owner named Khadija.

When he was forty years old and meditating in a cave outside of Mecca, he received his first revelation from “God” and from there on out received messages that he declared to his people. These messages eventually led to formation of verses in the Qu’ran, which Muslims regard as the divine word of “God.” Allah, the “God” of Islam, is the moon “god” of ancient pagan Arabia.

In spreading his religion of Islam, Muhammed supposedly murdered, not killed, hundreds who do not want to become Muslims. After his death, the religion of Muslim split off into different forms.

Unlike the Bible which is inspired by forty men of diverse backgrounds over a period of fifteen hundred years, the Qu’ran is a self-contradicting book supposedly given by the angel Gabriel to Muhammed. In fact, the Prophet Muhammad could neither read nor write so the writings were translated from memories of those who heard him.

Some other differences between Christianity and Islam

Muslims (Islam) believe in the Qu’ran. Some obvious differences between Islam and Christianity that are illogical, in my opinion, are Muslims believe humans are born pure and innocent. Man is created by Allah and is sinless (Ravi).

Contrastively, in Christianity sin is rebellion against God. Sin grieves God. In Islam, sin is disobedience to the established law. Sin does not grieve Allah. Does that make any logical sense? Isn’t God above the law. Why would sin grieve human-made laws but not God who essentially helped create all of it and is above all of it (Ravi). However, maybe this isn’t true of Islam as another source says, “Allah hates sin, but He loves sinners and is merciful and compassionate and forgiving to all those who come to Him in repentance” (Tawfiq).

For out why Christianity is true, you can find reasoning and evidence on my homepage:

Works Cited

Ravi, NSRK. “Comparison Chart – Islam and Christianity.” Apologetics, 30 Mar. 2016,

Tawfiq, Idris. “Does God Love Sinners and Non-Muslims?” About Islam, 19 Apr. 2022,