What happens next?

While we should live for today, we should also plan for the future. I doubt God wants us to live everyday as if it is our last. Not to mention, roughly one-third of the Bible is prophecy and eternity is certainly related to the future. In my post “Will only the Church of Philadelphia be Raptured?”:

Will only the Church of Philadelphia be Raptured?
The Rapture of the Church will take place. While the timing has always been a controversial topic, the question on who will be Raptured has not been as addressed. Will the entire church get Raptured? Is the Church of Philadelphia the only church that will be Raptured? Find out my take on what the Church of Philadelphia within the context of Revelation really means…
I talk about how only the Church of Philadelphia will be Raptured. But, what about the other Churches?
As with my other interpretations, I may be completely wrong. I’ve asked God to reveal to me clues as to what will happen that are indeed from God. Here are my thoughts that are hopefully influenced by God:
Leading up to the Tribulation, the Seven Churches represent seven main types of individuals. As I’ve said before, individuals represent the Church. Up until Daniel 9:27, which is the start of the Tribulation, Christians will be increasingly persecuted worldwide and even in America―a nation that was largely Christian for years. As this persecution intensifies, those who stay in the big cities will likely be imprisoned, enslaved, tortured, and martyred. If it is God’s will for you to die in the city, then it will happen.
However, I think there will also be large groups of Christians that represent the various Churches that will move away from these cities and flee to areas such as the wilderness and away from the equator. Sometime before or during these events, the Church of Philadelphia will be Raptured before the start of the Tribulation (this is will be the Pre-Tribulation Rapture).
Now, I’ve wondered about what will happen to those who are disabled. Will they be Raptured before the fleeing takes place? I’m not sure but I do know that it will work out for those following God. However, it doesn’t seem like everyone will stay in the cities and all die, especially when Scripture talks about the two witnesses who will prophesy for 42 months and torment the enemy beyond comprehension before dying in Jerusalem. If you read the Scripture yourself, during this torment it sure sounds like they are out in the wilderness and not in the big cities.
Whatever the case may be, things are changing fast here in America and globally. Things will accelerate in the End Times and it seems like we are at the tipping point, especially considering Kamala Harris could win the election. Even if Trump wins, I still think a totalitarian state is imminent as I’ve said in my “What if Kamala Harris wins?” post:

What if Kamala Harris wins?
Non-believers often say, “Christians should stay out of politics and not impose their religious views on others, especially when it comes to politics.” I won’t go down a rabbit hole and talk about Christian Nationalism, but I will say Christians are to not adhere to the government if it conflicts with the Word of God. While you cannot force someone to become a Christian nor will God, God wants the government to carry out His will and if that is happening, we are suppose to submit to the governing authorities.
Once again, do your own due diligence and seek God. If you don’t think any of this is going to happen, do your own research. Also, I’m not the only one talking about an approaching Tribulation. Many experts in Eschatology are saying that we really are close to the rise of the final Antichrist.