
“So he called ten of his servants, delivered to them ten minas, and said to them, Do business till I come, ‘Do business till I come'” (New King James Version, Luk. 19.13).

My name is Trenton Tracy. I’m currently studying Christian apologetics in order to defend, and hopefully help show people (with the influence of God), that Christianity is the truth. Many people may be seeking answers to questionsprobably some questions that I used to have as an atheist and agnosticwhich I hope to answer by providing relevant information.

Also, in regards to Christian Eschatology and where the world is at on a Biblical timeline, here is my viewpoint as it relates to our current situation:

Even though people have been saying it for thousands of years, I believe we are in the end timesthat is, we are in, or near the beginning of, the Book of RevelationIf you look around the world as to what is going on, I think it shows that things are getting progressively worse or we can look at it with a glass half-full approach, if we wish, in that things are falling into place. But, I’m not in any way date-setting; it may not be for another 50 or 500 years.

The weather is changing to unprecedented extremes (more info: “Climate change in the Last Days”); countries around the world are printing tons of fiat currency (more info: “What are the chances of hyperinflation?”); government control is getting worse, moral decay is prevalent, rumors of war and actual war are happening (more info: “Russia vs. Ukraine War – Is it only getting started?”); it seems we are at or close to peak technology (more info“How will technology impact our lives as we head into the future?”), Sodom and Gomorrah 2.0 has manifested itself into modern society (more info: “The insidious ‘gay pride’ movement”); and:

We are “The Last Generation” given Israel became a nation state in 1948 in accordance with Bible prophecy. Not only this, but we seem to be in the last part of the last generation depending on how many years a generation would be, granted this interpretation is correct. Then againTruly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened” could simply mean that once the signs of the end begin to appear, they will happen quickly (New International VersionMatt. 24.34). Either way, once the dominoes start to fall it will happen quickly.

The Antichrist spirit is here or near (many people will be deceived) and it’s only increasing, in my opinion. Financially speakingmoney runs the world, right?the world’s reserve currency, the U.S. dollar, is being printed into oblivion. (Over 40 percent of U.S. dollars ever created were printed in 2020.) Doesn’t something just feel really wrong? The world stage really looks like it is set for the rise of the final Antichrist more than any other time in history as many things are converging.

I believe we all should be careful and help each other as best as possible (with reference to Mark 9:35). We are all equal and in “God We Trust.” Again and no matter how the world skews it, “…God does not show favoritism” (New International Version, Rom. 2.11). God is 100 percent good and none of us are “good” – we are all sinful by nature.