Are Christians going to Jail soon?
Yes, I believe just years from now many Christians will be going to jail here in America. At the time of this writing, the world is becoming increasingly darker. Many are noticing the world as a whole is in total chaos. There are wars and rumors of wars, unprecedented weather patterns, massive economic issues, moral decay, increasing political divisions and open borders in a Godless America, and most importantly, things in Israel–the focal point and prophetic clock of the entire world–have erupted.
With all that is going on, there are still people that say America will bounce back and this talk of Biblical End Times events unfolding right now is heretical nonsense. They may claim there have always been issues in the world and this time is no different, but, these people couldn’t be more wrong. Sure there have always been wars, famines, and pestilences. However, as I mention in the about section of this website, it is the convergence of signs that is God’s way of letting us know that the birth pangs are here and will only intensify. Furthermore, the fact that Israel was established as a nation state in 1948 reinforces the idea that we are in the last days. We are 76 years from this monumental inflection point in history.
When will all Hell break loose, and when should you craft a tinfoil hat, and head for the hills? I don’t think it will be an overnight event as God will orchestrate such events with perfect calculation. We should rely on God to tell us where we should be, what we need, and put our trust in Him. Maybe this isn’t God’s will or maybe it is. My view is that various churches will indeed flee the cities and form tribes in the wilderness as crazy as that may sound:

What happens next?
What happens next? Are we going to see a mass exodus of Christians from the cities into the wilderness?
If the pre-tribulation Rapture of the Church is true, those truly following God will likely be removed from the earth before it gets to the point of frying termites for a nutritional meal. My eschatological view is that only individuals who fit the characteristics of the Church of Philadelphia will be Raptured:

Will only the Church of Philadelphia be Raptured?
The Rapture of the Church will take place. While the timing has always been a controversial topic, the question on who will be Raptured has not been as addressed. Will the entire church get Raptured? Is the Church of Philadelphia the only church that will be Raptured? Find out my take on what the Church of Philadelphia within the context of Revelation really means…
Right before Christmas in 2023, I posted on Twitter that I believe groups of Christians may be thrown in jail in 2-4 years (10 years max). I still stand by those beliefs as things are accelerating. With that being said, this is speculation and I may be completely wrong; it’s just an educated guess.
While clearly nobody can construct a future timeline because there are just way too many variables and unknowns that will happen in the near future, one of the biggest revealers of how close we are until things get extremely bad can be seen in the U.S. financial system. As I’ve already discussed on this site, the U.S. dollar is the world reserve currency, is in a debt spiral that is compounding, and is on the verge of going parabolic. Also, when looking at the combined global debt, the world is over 300 trillion dollars in the hole. As Pastor Tom Hughes and others have posted, there are many things that could go wrong with the global economy and it really is a house of cards.
Here is a video on 6 potential triggers:
6 Potential Triggers For The Next Global Financial Crisis | LIVE With Pastor Tom Hughes & Britt Gillette
— Tom Hughes (@PastorTomHughes) June 4, 2024
I’m not a financial expert by any means and you don’t have to be either. Just by looking at the math alone we know that we are in massive trouble. It’s only a matter of time before things exponentially deteriorate. Some are saying that a revival could happen and with God all things are possible. While that is certainly true, God cannot do things such as make a circle square, make 2+2=5, He probably won’t stop a bullet in midair, etc. That’s not how He works. We are mathematically in the abyss and I just don’t see how the U.S. can recover even if the GDP skyrockets and expenses are dramatically reduced. Money runs this evil world and it’s too late for an economic recovery. The system needs to be reset (i.e., a one-world currency).
By the way: I’m not giving financial advice.
If we look at what’s happening in Israel, things are not letting up at all and are rather becoming worse. Tensions there are increasing and will likely only increase even more when the global economic situation becomes worse as well as when the sovereignty of God ushers in more End Times events. We are seeing the prevalence of the “Woke Movement” permeate throughout organizations, churches, businesses, etc. While people are fighting back and standing up for the truth, eventually “non-wokers” will be the outcast and minority. The Anti-Christ spirit is real and is here.
Even the weather is God’s way of letting us know things are changing. Yes, the climate change activists are using weather records to leverage their initiatives and control the populace, but there really does seem to be a noticeable change in the weather if you make extrapolations from the raw, unbiased data. Also, “Mother Nature” doesn’t exist. God influences the weather and God can use the weather to bring about the “Wrath of God.”

Climate change in the Last Days
Over the years, global warming has been a talked about topic. From Al Gore’s climate change activism earning him the Nobel Peace Prize to Greta Thunberg becoming a poster child, it has been an issue with rising concern. Now, more than ever, corporations and governments are starting to clamp down by introducing things like Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) scores; the mention of eating bugs to reduce carbon footprints by the World Economic Forum (WEF); the farming crisis in the Netherlands where the government has stepped in to reduce emissions; and so forth…
Just look at how much things have changed since COVID-19. In the next four years, we will be living in a completely different world. Once the biggest financial crisis in history hits America, everything will unravel. At the same time and above all else, people are turning on Israel. Many are against Israel and they are cursed. Come this fall around the U.S. election or during 2025, I think we are going to take a significant notch lower towards the living conditions of the 7-year tribulation. The current system is hanging by a thread and the can has been kicked down the road for years upon years. Eventually the high standard of living in America that so many are used to, and that has been assisted by slave labor and dollar dominance, will vanish. Suddenly, it will be time to pay the piper and people not being able to get their Starbucks will lead to riots.
As believers, the best is yet to come–the second coming of Jesus Christ. It’s ultimately negative if you don’t have hope in God and hope in eternity. God is going to put out this dumpster fire (this time around He is going to bring fire to the Earth) once and for all when He returns, and sin will be gone for good when the New Heaven and New Earth arrives. Amen.