Category Money

Are Christians going to Jail soon?

At the time of this writing, the world is becoming increasingly darker. Many are noticing that the world as a whole is in total chaos. There are wars and rumors of wars, unprecedented weather patterns, massive economic issues...

Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)

Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)
Though the term Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) was introduced in the early 90s (some say in the 70s), it is now more commonly used then ever. It seems that the parabolic growth in U.S. debt as well as the start of Quantitative Easing 1 (QE 1), in November of 2008, is really when the idea began to gain traction...

Which way is the stock market headed?

Which way is the stock market headed?
Theoretically, the stock market can only move in three major directions: up, down, or sideways. People who make market predictions usually make a prediction on where the market is headed while including some type of timeline. Therefore, in addition to calling the direction, they usually make a timeline prediction as well. In order to be "correct," they have to not only call the direction but also have to get the time of this direction right...

Darkest Before Dawn

Darkest before Dawn
As it seems to be getting darker (darkest before dawn), Christians have the New Heaven and New Earth to look forward to. In order to learn more about it, the site I frequently mention has information: