
The outpouring of the Holy Spirit

The outpouring of the Holy Spirit

“Early and Latter Rain” represents the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. While the Holy Spirit has been present for thousands of years, the early rain and latter rain are distinct periods.

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The Christian Life

The Christian life

The perfect Christian does not exist. You will not find a perfect Christian. Even though Jesus Christ lived a perfect life, He was not a Christian; He was God in person. If you don’t feel like you can live up to the characteristics of a Christian, in a way you are right. None of us are 100% true Christians.

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Signs of the Times

Signs of the Times

Are we really near the end of this world considering people have been saying it for thousands of years? Here are signs of the times and evidence Jesus Christ is coming back soon.

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A sign from God?

A sign from God?

If God isn’t already giving people enough evidence as to what is happening globally, is this story not another sign from God?  A Bible stuck to a fence post and

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Conflict in Israel

Conflict in Israel

What is the conflict in Israel telling the whole world? What’s happening in Israel, among many other signs, is confirmation that we are headed straight toward the 7-year Tribulation. Based upon what is taking place, it seems that things will accelerate from here on out…

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God is the perfect definition of good

God is the perfect definition of good

Let me first begin by saying–if it isn’t already obvious enough–that trying to describe God’s goodness using words is not sufficient. Even if we add in the beauties around us, our experiences, our feelings of great joy at times, and so on, we still cannot even come close to describing how great God is…

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Is the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church true?

Is the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church true?

Can an all-powerful God make people suddenly vanish? If He made everything around–and including–us out of nothing, then why does it seem impossible? I mean, He knows about every single hair on the heads of over eight billion people. The fact is it’s absolutely nothing for God to Rapture people and it will happen according to the inerrant God-breathed Bible that is totally accurate just based upon the prophecies that have already been fulfilled, among other reasons.

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Church of Philadelphia

Will only the Church of Philadelphia be Raptured?

The Rapture of the Church will take place. While the timing has always been a controversial topic, the question on who will be Raptured has not been as addressed. Will the entire church get Raptured? Is the Church of Philadelphia the only church that will be Raptured? Find out my take on what the Church of Philadelphia within the context of Revelation really means…

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What if Kamala Harris wins?

What if Kamala Harris wins?

Non-believers often say, “Christians should stay out of politics and not impose their religious views on others, especially when it comes to politics.” I won’t go down a rabbit hole and talk about Christian Nationalism, but I will say Christians are to not adhere to the government if it conflicts with the Word of God. While you cannot force someone to become a Christian nor will God, God wants the government to carry out His will and if that is happening, we are suppose to submit to the governing authorities.

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What will the New Heaven and New Earth be like?

What will the New Heaven and New Earth be like?

When people think of Heaven, they think of a cloud-filled place somewhere above and beyond this universe where there are angels, people singing and playing instruments such as harps, and complete tranquility exists. There are many misconceptions and circulated myths surrounding this topic. Humans have created their own versions of Heaven as with all of the other invented religions. They often don’t…

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How the world ends...

How this world ends…

Have you ever heard about the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse? If so, you may have heard variations of the name used in various topics. For example, the phrase, the “Four Horsemen of New Atheism: Hitchens, Dawkins, Harris, and Dennett,” is used to describe major figures in the New Atheism movement. The four horsemen is the name of a popular restaurant, a song by Metallica, and has also been used when talking about sports (e.g., The Four Horsemen of Notre Dame). It is even used as the name of a fake wrestling team. However, the term originated from…

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Why abortion is murder

Why abortion is murder

Among some of the most highly talked about issues in America these days, abortion is at the top of the list. What has helped sparked the popularity of this topic is when the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade making abortion illegal; Roe vs. Wade legalized the right to abortion in 1973. I could talk about the history of abortion in the U.S. but I’ll get to the meat and potatoes. In virtually all cases, abortion is wrong.

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Are Christians going to Jail soon?

Are Christians going to Jail soon?

At the time of this writing, the world is becoming increasingly darker. Many are noticing that the world as a whole is in total chaos. There are wars and rumors of wars, unprecedented weather patterns, massive economic issues…

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The insidious "gay pride" movement

The insidious “gay pride” movement

Gay pride movements have going on now for quite some time even before the first LGBTQ Pride march occurred in Los Angles in 1970 (Colker). Throughout this time, many gay people have been ostracized from society and have been treated as less equal compared to their peers―there is no reason for them to have been treated this way because everyone is created equally as we should all know…

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Climate change in the Last Days

Climate change in the Last Days

Over the years, global warming has been a talked about topic. From Al Gore’s climate change activism earning him the Nobel Peace Prize to Greta Thunberg becoming a poster child, it has been an issue with rising concern. Now, more than ever, corporations and governments are starting to clamp down by introducing things like Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) scores; the mention of eating bugs to reduce carbon footprints by the World Economic Forum (WEF); the farming crisis in the Netherlands where the government has stepped in to reduce emissions; and so forth…

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How will technology impact our lives as we head into the future?

How will technology impact our lives as we head into the future?

With rampant technology talk from events like the World Economic Forum (WEF) and World Government Summit, on social media, and even in regular offline day-to-day conversations, technology is ever bit as, if not more, popular than ever. We are told that artificial intelligence (AI) could even possibly end the human race which, of course, doesn’t align with what the Word of God says…

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The COEXIST Movement

The “COEXIST” movement

The coexist movement began in response to increasing tensions between religious and cultural groups around the world. Throughout history, there has clearly been wars and violence related to religion. While war should be avoided if possible but is sometimes necessary depending on the situation (e.g., self-defense), given the fact that God probably does exist, how can they all be right?

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The Coming Convergence

The Coming Convergence

I highly recommend the movie The Coming Convergence, with Pastor Jack Hibbs and Pastor Tom Hughes, for those interested in Christian eschatology.

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Rewards for Believers in Jesus Christ

Rewards for Believers in Jesus Christ

Most, if not all of us, are incentive-based. This is one of the reasons why capitalism is one of the best economic systems out there and provides the highest standard of living for all of us as a whole, especially compared to something like socialism. In addition to following and believing in God out of love, why else should someone live a Christian life in a world that persecutes and is very much intolerant towards the truth?

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God’s Sovereignty, Predestination, and Free Will

How does God’s Sovereignty, Predestination, and Free Will relate to one another, in my opinion?

God predestined us using His perfect foreknowledge and sovereignty of what we would do contingent upon whether we would choose to accept or deny Him using our own God-given free will. If God predestined some people to Heaven and others to Hell before they were even born He would be showing favoritism even though He can technically do whatever He wants within His divine nature (e.g., he cannot lie or deny Himself, and in this case showing favoritism (Romans 2:11) would deny His nature).

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Russia vs. Ukraine War – Is it only getting started?

Russia vs. Ukraine War – Is it only getting started?

On February 24th, 2022 Russia invaded Ukraine which was the first major escalation since the Russo-Ukrainian war started in 2014 (“2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine”). Vladimir Putin, who supposedly refers to himself as “second only to God,” has been on a quest for power for years…

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Many are unprepared for what is coming…

Many are unprepared for what is coming…

In the United States, I believe that most people have no clue what is coming down the pipe. Before COVID-19, there were signs of deterioration morally, politically, financially, etc., but the pandemic has amplified and brought them to the surface. Now, people are becoming increasingly aware of inflation along with everything else that is going on and many would agree the country is headed in the wrong direction. But, do they really realize how quickly things could become drastically worse?

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Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)

Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)

Though the term Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) was introduced in the early 90s (some say in the 70s), it is now more commonly used then ever. It seems that the parabolic growth in U.S. debt as well as the start of Quantitative Easing 1 (QE 1), in November of 2008, is really when the idea began to gain traction…

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Which way is the stock market headed?

Which way is the stock market headed?

Theoretically, the stock market can only move in three major directions: up, down, or sideways. People who make market predictions usually make a prediction on where the market is headed while including some type of timeline. Therefore, in addition to calling the direction, they usually make a timeline prediction as well. In order to be “correct,” they have to not only call the direction but also have to get the time of this direction right…

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Even though Judaism and Christianity are different religions, they do share some common beliefs according to the ESV Study Bible…

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Is evolution a lie?

Today, more than ever, we hear about evolution and many of us think about it in terms of biological evolution or maybe even just the concept of change over time. It is taught in schools, at science museums, in books by famous scientists, etc. But, can we answer the question: is it really true?

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The Tigris and Euphrates rivers are drying up

The Tigris and Euphrates rivers are drying up

For the past decade or more, the Tigris and Euphrates rivers have been drying up primarily due to climate change and upstream dam activity. Why is this important? This is something to take note of because the drying up of the Euphrates river is mentioned in Bible prophecy – specifically, in the book of Revelation, which relates to the end of times. As it says in the Bible:

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Does free will exist given that God is sovereign?

Does free will exist given that God is sovereign?

There are many discussions about whether free will exists and if so, how can that be compatible with a sovereign God? Some argue that if God is indeed all-knowing, He should surely know what the future holds and therefore we must do what God sees will happen. Therefore, if He knows every action we make, aren’t we simply robots going along with His script?

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The supposed founder of Islam, Prophet Muhammad, was born in Mecca during, or around, AD 570. His dad died before he was born, and his mother died when he was six years old. He was raised by his paternal grandfather. As he grew up, he became a camel driver then a merchant, and at the age of 26 he married a wealthy caravan owner named Khadija…

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What are the Seven Seals?

What are the Seven Seals?

The only one worthy to open the Seven Seals is the one who conquered death and rose again. This is the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, or better known as Jesus Christ. The first four seals are known as the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse…

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Who are the 144,000 in the Book of Revelation?

Who are the 144,000 in the Book of Revelation?

The first appearance:

The 144,000 of Israel Sealed:

After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth, that no wind might blow on earth or sea or against any tree. Then I saw another angel ascending from the rising of the sun, with the seal of the living God, and he called with a…

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Moses Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments

What the Ten Commandments state in the old testament that still apply today (Exodus 20:1-17 )? And God spoke all these words, saying…

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Mark of the Beast

What is the Mark of the Beast?

The common phrase, the “Mark of the Beast,” seems to be ubiquitous when talking about the end of times. People have even gone to the lengths of saying that COVID-19 is the “Mark of the Beast,” but it is not. Rather, it seems to be a precursor leading up to what will truly be the “Mark of the Beast.” When the Antichrist comes to impersonate Christ and rule the world, he will make all

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Is the Bible accurate?

Is the Bible accurate?

Given Jesus Christ is the one and only God (an explanation is on the home page), I have wondered if the Bible is entirely accurate or if sinful humans ended up distorting the message (the 66 books of the Bible) just as there are many different versions of the Bible and other religions; it is clearly the former primarily based upon the number of manuscripts and that it is the Word of God inspired by the Holy Spirit. God is sovereign and therefore His Word is perfect…

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The Three “Lives” of a Christian

The Three “Lives” of a Christian

Christians have three “lives,” depending on your views of the Millennium and somewhat figuratively speaking, to look forward to: this life (possibly Heaven for a short duration when the rapture occurs), the Millennial Reign, and finally the New Heaven and New Earth. Do you think this life is it and there is no afterlife?

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Darkest before Dawn

Darkest Before Dawn

As it seems to be getting darker (darkest before dawn), Christians have the New Heaven and New Earth to look forward to. In order to learn more about it, the site I frequently mention has information:

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